Below are the results matching your search conditions.
Please confirm the details before proceeding to complete the reservation.

Current Search Conditions
1 Room for 1 Adult(s) 0 Child(ren)
Check In Date 2024/09/29(Sun) Check Out Date 2024/09/30(Mon)
Check In Date
Min/Max Price
Check Out Date
Room Type

Number of Guests per Room
Children 10+
Children 10 under
Toddlers (meal/bed)

Toddlers (meal only)
Toddlers (bed only)
Toddlers (no meal/bed)
Number of Room(s)
Refine Search
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Total: 2 Plan(s) (1-2) [ 1 | Total 1 Pages]
Plan Name Price Per Night
Regular Price Internet Price Total Price
Room Only Plan Calendar
Superior Courtyard View Japanese-Style Room
Japanese with Bathroom and Toilet/Non-Smoking
[Meals] Breakfast not included Dinner not included
74,800 JPY
74,800 JPY
[Payment Options]
Online Card Payment
Room Only Plan Calendar
Superior Mountain View Western-Style Room
Japanese-style Room with Bathroom and Toilet/Non-Smoking
[Meals] Breakfast not included Dinner not included
77,000 JPY
77,000 JPY
[Payment Options]
Online Card Payment
Total: 2 Plan(s) (1-2) [ 1 | Total 1 Pages]

We thank you for your patronage and look forward to your
stay with us in the near future.